Documentary HUMAN Chinese Subtitled Vol.1 & Vol.2 纪录片《人类》加长版第一集、第二集 / by Chengyuan Tang



All credits of the original documentary to the director team.

I only hold the copyright to the work of translation to the Chinese language.

此次内置字体的完成是基于万千网友所提供的网络材料的必要帮助。如果您认为您的知识产权因此受到了侵犯,欢迎在 YouTube 评论区留言沟通。

The completion of the embedded subtitle is being helped necessarily from online materials created by many people. If you have a concern on your intellectual property being violated, feel free to contact me at the comment section on YouTube.


All hard works are dedicated to the further publicity of this great material of record of human being.


Translation of Vol. 3 is in progress.